
The Eagles Nest

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The Eagles Nest

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The most successful are those who understand the art of survival. The power of having the right neccessties. You can not conquer meaningful journeys and climb the highest mountains alone. You need a loyal team and you need your backpack fully equipped. On the rare occassion a neccesity runs out or your oxygen is low. Your fellow team member has your back at all costs. Life is DO or DIE!

How are you prepared?


Humans were not designed to work, consume and die. Every human has a purpose. The world is a never ending cycle of constant distraction. It is no myth to say that the majority of the world are satisified living with a lifetime of distraction. Resulting in living in the bracket of ordinary.


A rare occassion arises when an individual becomes sincerely agitated by society. Everyday they are never satisifed with the ordinary life cycle of the world. They are willing to do what everybody isn't.


Hailey Hanson is one of those. She has spent an entire lifetime exceeding expectations in her career as an award winning Entrepreneur and World Champion Martial Artist. A lady of honour who has devoted her lifetime helping other learn strategies to conquer life. Many of which have gone on to fulfil successful careers living the life, they once could have never imagined.

Somebody has to be the sacrifice. It shouldn't be you! Why would you want to spend your lifetime in a "trial and error" phase. When you can learn directly from someone who has already sacrificed their entire life to mastering a realm. A realm you wish to live by. The kingdom of success.

Living life on your own terms.

Hailey Hanson incorporates proven strategies. Through online and face to face education. Helping you understand your purpose as a human and not a slave to society. We will prepare you for the journey of your life, teaching you to become resillient. Allowing you to face your fears with confidence. Knowing that what it is front of you (The unknown) is something you have been prepared for.

"In order to be worthy one must conquer his kingdom!"

Are your dreams still alive?

Are you breathing and not really living?

Do you only just dream the life you truly desire?


It is your environment including people that complicate it for you. Lazy, boring, uninspired and zero energetic humans. Your starting position (environment) is not generally a TRUE SEEKERS desired position. They are not phased which is why they are constantly seeking new ways to incorporate and implement change in to their system. A never ending painful process, you are not depressed if you feel unsatisfied with ORDINARY.

Why should you settle for ORDINARY if EXTRA ORDINARY exists?

Most people are satisfied with AVERAGE. They accept "OK" they say "IT IS ALRIGHT for me". 2nd place is the losers 1st place. They can only brag about it to those who think 2nd and silver is a worthy place on the podium. The only way to become world class, to be THE WINNER that number ONE SPOT FIRST PLACE! Is by never ever allowing yourself on any condition to accept SILVER, BRONZE anything other than number one.

Life is short. You do not have time to spend your entire life in a trial and error phase of life. When there are people who have done it already. Years ago we couldnt just click a button and get answers. Now you can! Save yourself the time and evolve with the times. It is all here!

What is a seeker? Someone who has unlimited energy, unlimited drive, unlimited of anything that he thinks he needs to survive. To conquer his dream. You can have all of that and still fail at life. Why? Poor resources, bad timing, wrong position, no network. nobody to position you where you need to be right in this very moment.

You can only climb so high alone. A position of anger, fury and frustration! Your fire has come to a halt. You have outgrown your circle. Now what? What do you do in your current position? Our teachers and a team help take you to the higher height and eliminate those fears. Which is why we have built a platform that understands those who aim high. Those who insist on climbing to the top of every mountain. They know in order to be satisifed with life they must climb all the way to its peak. Even if you struggle near the top. There is someone who knows what to do. They have the wisdom and power to guide you there.


Hailey Hanson is building an army of people who want it all. She incorporates her 23+ years of world class combat training, her business skills which she was forced to grasp at a very young age due to her challenging lifestyle. Get trained by a world champion instructor and award winning entrepreneur. Become the person you desire to be from head to toe. Both Physically and mentally!

A elite program designed for individuals who wish to excel in all areas. Change your life right now!


You will study life skills from a champions mindset.

Learning how to incorporate proven strategies in to your business and personal life.

World Class Combat Training

Elite Fitness

Mental Resilience

Business Studies

Expertise in your chosen subject of interest


If you have unlimited energy. If you think of success everyday and desire to be around people who only talk about success. If you are serious about change and willing to put in the work The Eagle's Nest is for you. Business, money, growth, mindset and adventure. 

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The Eagles Nest Elite Level Program

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